Improve Your Life with Adaptive Clothing

Comfortable clothing that makes you look and feel great is hard to find when you are able-bodied, but when you also need to take your wheelchair into consideration, it can be downright impossible. Luckily, the fashion industry is starting to pay more attention to fashion for those who are differently-abled, and wheelchair friendly clothing is becoming both readily available and fashionable.

Since 2013, “This Is How We Roll,” a fashion show entirely featuring wheelchair-bound models, has shown a light on fashion for all body types. This fashion show is one of the first, but it is by no means the only one. With new additions coming out every year, such as Mara Horton's life-enhancing magnetic button-ups, to Mindy Scheir, who created jeans even someone in braces could wear, adaptive clothing is becoming better and better every year.

What is Adaptive Clothing?

Adaptive clothing is a style of clothing specifically designed for those who find ordinary clothing difficult to use. Seated clothing is one of the most common types of adaptive clothing. Seated clothing is designed for someone who may not be able to stand at all, or spends a long amount of time sitting, such as those who are wheelchair-bound. The features for seated clothing include things like:

Thoughtfully Placed Pockets

Pockets that are comfortable for an upright person to access are not usually comfortable for those who are seated. Thigh and ankle pockets move the location and size of the pockets so that access to them is easy and comfortable.

Comfort Design

Have you ever experienced that gap of cold air along your lower back when you bend over to reach something? When you spend most of your time in a seated position, this cold gap is there constantly. Seated tops are longer in the back and shorter in the front so that they are tailored to fit the seated position.
Elastic waistbands or side snaps also help by making the clothing easier to get on and off, as well as making the clothing more comfortable to wear sitting down.

More Fashion Choices

The fashion industry is catching up with adaptive clothing. You can now get button-up shirts, jeans, and eye-catching dresses is seated clothing. While this is still a relatively new field for fashion experts, it's growing fast and you can expect more great looks as time goes on.

Why choose adaptive clothing?

Clothing not made for a wheelchair isn't just more comfortable, it can also be safer. Clothing that is too long or fits improperly can get caught in the wheels. This isn't just uncomfortable and awkward, it's outright dangerous.

The weight of the material more info can also cause problems for wheelchair users. Heavy fabric can make moving even more difficult. If you are wheelchair-bound due to muscle weakness or issues that affect your upper body, even a little more weight can cause suffering.

Why wear clothing that is uncomfortable and fits poorly, simply because it is standard? Seated clothing is designed to fit your personal needs while making you look and feel good in them at the same time. If you need to freshen up your wardrobe, try seated clothing. It makes sense to wear something designed for your unique body. Go to for great pants.

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